1. Any student may continue with remote lessons.
2. High risk students should continue remote lessons.
3. Wear face masks.
4. Maintain 6 ft distance between teacher and student.
5. Plexiglass barriers between student and teacher where practical.
6. Doors between studios and the front counter will be locked to minimize traffic. Teachers and students should call the front desk by phone.
7. Air handler on continuous fan during open hours.
8. Students to sanitize hands upon arrival.
9. Disinfect door knob between lessons.
10. No waiting in the hallway, students and parents to wait in the car or outside.
11. Front door to remain open when possible.
12. Open the studio door for 5 minutes between lessons to circulate air.
13. Modified schedule to minimize the number of people onsite at a time.
14. Self identify symptoms and check temperature before coming to the studio.
15. Anyone feeling ill should not come to the studio.
16. Disinfecting of high touch areas will be done regularly and logged.
17. In event of a positive case, a shut down for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance.